Your Website - Your details
This is all about you, personalise your site as much as you can. Your website, your domain, your phone number, your email, your pictures, your colours, your choice. The more you personalise, the more it will be recognised as your site and your business.

Social Media Sharing
Share your hand picked holiday deals to instagram and facebook as well as integrating your instagram and facebook feeds within your own website. This will display on your site all your latest social media posts.

Top Deals
Pick your 10 favourite deals and save them to your top deals page. They will appear on your homepage in a banner but also on your dedicated top deals page that you can then share with your customers.

Hand Picked Deals
Our search on your site, gives you the option to select deals within the search to show on your homepage and top deals page. In addition to this we are giving you more flexibility to create your own deals from suppliers outside of the DP search, so cruises, escorted tours, Uk Breaks, whatever your customers choose. You select the images, description and details and then post to your website. These deals can also be shared on social or email.

Facebook Messenger Chat
We have integrated a chat function into the site with Facebook Messenger, which means that your customers can, from your website, contact you with any questions or queries about the holidays and deals on your site. This is a function of our Silver and Gold sites and will really benefit your customers.

Full Hosted / Cookie Policy
We take care of all the details, not only is your site hosted securely but we also take care of the important cookie and price you policy that has to be featured on your website to make sure that you tick all of the boxes.

Facebook Reviews
What better way than to show your new customers how good your existing customers think you are. By integrating your facebook reviews you can increase your customer numbers and show off all those 5 star reviews.

ALL Enquiries, Straight to You
Respond to customer enquiries straight away. To ensure you don't miss any holiday enquiries or search requests you will be alerted by email to your existing email and text message to your mobile number.

Responsive Secure Websites
All Holiday Webtech websites are "Responsive" and SSL secure. In short, this means that the website will adapt its size, look and shape to give the best customer experience on any device and is completely safe while displaying the secure padlock in the address bar to give your customer peace of mind.
Local Marketing Packages
What better way to get customers to visit your site than making sure Google lists your website. Our portal has tools that let you optimise the information, put headers, tags and descriptions onto each page.
Contact Us Today to Get your Own Holiday Website
Our website will generate more online enquiries, more phone calls and ultimately more business for you.